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Colorectal Surgery

Below is a list of the various colorectal surgeries that we perform.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

Rubber band ligation

Excisional hemorrhoidectomy

Stapled hemorrhoid surgery

Colorectal Cancer Surgery

Colon resection

Rectal resection

Anorectal Diseases Surgery

Anal fissure

Anal fistula

Anal skin tags

Anorectal abscess

Anal dysplasia

Chronic Constipation

Anorectal manometry

Rectocele surgery

Total colectomy

Anal Incontinence Surgery

Anal sphincter surgery

nerve stimulator surgery

Rectal Prolapse Surgery

Abdominal rectal fixation

Abdominal sigmoid colon resection and rectal fixation

Perenial rectal and sigmoid resection

Colorectal Cancer


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